A Premier Appointment

Yep, Sunday September 20th at 9am, WorkHope will be with accompanying friend in a studio of Premier Radio. Interesting. The Simplify campaign for the Evangelical Alliance will be under discussion as will this Blog.

September 20th was also the date a Premier appointment came to an end… Jose left my beloved Chelsea FC that day 2 years ago.

The following day, September 21st 2007, I left full-time employment with high hopes of quick appointment into the world of Graphic Design whilst my redundancy cheque burnt a hole in my pocket. A lot can happen in 24 months, or not as the case may be!. No “Anniversary” celebrations are planned, although a beer and a cake would be nice…

On the 22nd Mr WorkHope (Senior) celebrates his next birthday. On the 23rd, it’s back to job searching as per normal.

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3 Responses to “A Premier Appointment”

  1. Jenni Says:

    Heard you on Premier this morning, as you are well aware you are not alone.
    I’m a single mum who has been out of the work force for 6 years. I was so confident that as I was a trained Nurse I’d get employed easily. But all the “rules” have changed I don’t have the qualifications to do my old job and I’m too old!

    God has been faithful and despite being a bit hungry at times, and Income Support doesn’t cover oil for heating, we survive. I am sure I am getting stronger and that there is a reason for all this. I am looking to go back to Bible College ,because you can’t work in a church without bits of paper these days, and see if I can go into chaplaincy work.

    Keep going, the length of the test is in God’s hands, you and your family are in my prayers.

  2. workhope Says:

    Thanks for your message Jenni. It is my experience too that God provides our needs. Meanwhile I must do my part, and press on in my search, and wish you well too. When this season comes to a close for us, I trust we will have a real Testimony in order to encourage others.

    From reading this blog you may have picked up that the story of George Muller is something of an inspiration to me…

    As the preacher Sangster said, “He (God) is Able”… 🙂

  3. JB Says:

    I read this the other day & I thought of you. I try and pray for you every day.

    God has created me to do Him some definite service;
    He has committed some work to me
    which He has not committed to another.
    I have my mission—I never may know it in this life,
    but I shall be told it in the next.
    I am a link in a chain,
    a bond of connexion between persons.
    He has not created me for naught.
    I shall do good, I shall do His work;
    Therefore I will trust Him. Whatever, wherever I am,
    I can never be thrown away.
    If I am in sickness, my sickness may serve Him;
    in perplexity, my perplexity may serve Him;
    if I am in sorrow, my sorrow may serve Him.
    He does nothing in vain; He knows what He is about.
    He may take away my friends,
    He may throw me among strangers,
    He may make me feel desolate, make my spirits sink,
    hide the future from me—still He knows what He is about.
    John Henry Newman (1801-1890)

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