World Cup Zeros

I think Robert Green got his most embarrassing World Cup moment out of the way early on during the World Cup, and he’s probably grateful for that. Of course, his team mates were to steal the show in the subsequent England games, by putting his mistake firmly in the shade. Tepid performances by an over-hyped and over-paid bunch of players and a manager who eventually claimed his squad were ‘tired’ has done little to win the England fan over. Dismal.

The good news is that the England flags, mugs, flannels and underwear are now available at knockdown prices from the local supermarkets. All ready to put into cold storage for a couple of years or until we have a national team worth bleating about.

It was our national team rather than football that was coming home, thus leaving other more worthy teams the opportunity to make history. From what I’ve seen of the tournament on TV, Ghana, Mexico, Germany and Spain have all between them put on some dazzling football displays and with the Semi Finals just around the corner, my money’s on Germany or Spain to eventually claim the prize this time round.

Whatever the outcome, it looks like football will eventually win the day, and plaudits must also go to the host nation, South Africa too.

As for the vuvuzelas…

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