A radio interview…

At around 5pm Claire from Premier Radio rang me, catching me a tad off guard. Once again I was in demand, or rather my thoughts were… ! Not a job interview sadly, but an invitation to participate in a radio phone in programme, later that evening. (Much later that evening!)

With the UK unemployment figures reaching another worryingly high level the subject was once again (quite rightly) back in the national agenda. With a general election just weeks away maybe, just maybe politicians will do more than simply pay lip service to their voting public and commit to doing something.

The United Kingdom is seeing the most people unemployed since 1994. December 2009 to February 2010 saw the number of unemployed Brits increase by 43,000, bringing the total to 2.5 million, the highest number in 16 years. The unemployment rate, standing at 8 per cent, is the highest it has been since 1996.

Cindy Kent was the at the helm and did a fab job at introducing the topic and the listeners as they called in with their questions and views. Topics of discussion included getting back into the workforce after a long absence, whether after having a family or after serious illness, asking where God is in all this? Is he really interested? Coping with knock-backs and rejection, working as a volunteer, keeping motivated, dealing with stress and the need for a support network…

I really hope that the broadcast was helpful to those participating or listening, the issues around unemployment as many of us know is a huge subject and has massive repercussions.

Meanwhile a big think you to those who participated in the various discussions and shared some of their personal accounts and stories… including Anne and Ann, Will, Samantha, Andrea, Joanna, Joy, Val, Janet, Rachel.

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