Smelling victory. Blues or the Reds?

Love ’em or loathe ’em, elections are sometimes needed. Now is such a time.

When else can we see Jon Snow and his ‘Swingometer’ in action, or see the unfolding, often bitter battle of words breaking out throughout the media.

Mmm, it’s time to get back to family values, to getting people back into work, the closure of the Job Centres and the arrival of system that actually helps people get back into work rather than process them, the end of poor salaries and exploitation, the end of expensive Premiership Football tickets and uncapped salaries.

It’s time to reintroduce fairness, discipline, help for the poor, polite customer service, respect for genuine refugees, time for sensible cut backs in public spending, time for investment in new businesses, time for brighter sunnier days, the removal of speed bumps, free coffee, free postage stamps, and chocolates (Smarties) at the weekend along with lower utility bills… You get the idea…

Of course it’s all down to the UK voter to decide where to make their mark and hope the politicians are listening. With so much at stake, wisdom is needed…

Come Friday morning, we’ll (quite possibly) have a new Prime Minister. Come Sunday evening, the Premiership Title will be decided. Red or blue? For me it has to be the blue of Chelsea FC.

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