Archive for the ‘Diary Notes 2010’ Category

Here I go again

March 10, 2017

Last year I celebrated with other my new job. I expected it to be challenging, hard work and a little out of my comfort zone.

Working with a team across two locations was always going to be tricky, as was satisfying the Chairman with his high (unrealistic?) expectations.

Without going to too much detail here, I seem to have failed and as a result continuing employment is being terminated. My last day in the organisation is next Friday 17 March.

Am i angry? No

Disappointed? Yes

Is there Hope? Of course. I press on… I have no option other than to persevere….

Here I go again.



Kenwood Chef

January 13, 2014

13th Jan

Whilst scouring Freecycle today for interesting objects, it was kitchen equipment that caught our attention, so we swiftly responded saying we would happily take the Kenwood Chef and its various attachments off their hands. Alas we were too late, and the goods went to someone else.

On returning from the Supermarket this evening, we had a visitor. The recipient of the afore mentioned machine was at our front door. A friend unbeknown to us had put in a bid for the articles and was offering us to take our pickings from the box. Now thats what we call provision. Smile. (more…)

One more time

January 13, 2014

We’ve known for a while that cuts to the organisations operating costs might be required. We’ve also been aware that jobs are therefore at risk. Today was the day the news came… for me it was at about 11am.

Consequently 3 of us (out of 8 i our team) will be seeking alternative employment. The R word has reappeared in our vocabulary. One more time.


No nonsense prayer for a job (New job)

October 19, 2012

Dear God



Do you have a Seagull Manager?

October 11, 2012

Seagull manager is a management style wherein a manager only interacts with employees when a problem arises. The perception is that such a management style involves hasty decisions about things they have little understanding of, resulting in a messy situation that others must deal with. The term became popular through a joke in Ken Blanchard‘s 1985 book Leadership and the One Minute Manager: “Seagull managers fly in, make a lot of noise, dump on everyone, then fly out.”

Ring any bells?


In praise of the office cleaner

September 29, 2012

Once a week the cheery disposition of Beryl brightens up our workplace.

Armed with her bucket of dusters, cloths and cleaning potions and sprays she swiftly sets about cleaning our offices. Once the marigolds and facemask are on, it is the kitchen area and toilet facilities are next on her hit list. She does what she does with her flash, bleach, and floor mop (I was lying about the facemask) attending to the particular needs of each room, often dealing with unmentionables which I would have thought could have been properly disposed of by the ‘donor’.

The kitchen fridge is another focal point, where she will fastidiously check sell by dates on the jars, tins and sandwich fillings along with the festering meat slices and soggy salads. with the shelves and drawers washed and dried she turns her attention to the ofice areas.

It is here she meets one of her first proper challenges of her working day. It would appear the overflowing bins and walls supported by the piled up product packaging have been reliant on her attendance that day. As she progresses through the building, some rooms are actually barred from her prgoress. Other rooms will have their appearance and odour transformed.

The job done after a few hours she has time for a short chat before moving to her next port of call.

Hers is not a glamourous job but essential. Without her and those staff members who do take pride in our building, hygiene and well being we would be in a right mess – literally. Without those like Beryl who are willing to get stuck in and help create order out of the chaos we would be stuck. It’s such a shame that such workers are often underpaid, overlooked, dispised or undervalued.

If you are after doing a worthwhile job, maybe it’s worth thinking about being a cleaner.

From Hosea

September 6, 2012

14 “Therefore I am now going to allure her;
I will lead her into the wilderness
and speak tenderly to her.
15 There I will give her back her vineyards,
and will make the Valley of Achor[b] a door of hope.

Good / bad role models…

August 26, 2012

I once read a striking article by Tom Dennis about the reality of both observing and being, either a good or bad role model… And the impact they can have.

Whilst I  have sought to be a good role model to those in my family, friendship circles, workplaces etc I have to recognise I have often failed myself and others. I guess we can be a mix of the two depending on the circumstances .  sometimes we make poor choices and we have to accept that. Thankfully most people are forgiving, and we can move on…

Lastly, Mr Dennis please accept my apologies…Lessons learnt. 🙂





New career at WHAT age?

June 23, 2012

Blindingly obvious it may be to others, but I am just realising that for me to change my circumstances in order for greater personal fulfillment, better prospects and salary I need to make a change.

Easier said than done of course

Since redundo in 2007, I’ve been consistent in trying to get Design work that pulls on my expereince and talent – with a decent salary, but to no avail. Now even the recruitment agents are struggling on my behalf. The market is fiercely competitive – and getting tougher by the week.

With my updated (totally rewritten) CV in circulation, my hopes for change in employment circumstances remain. Job ads for Office Manager, General Manager and Facilities Manager are hot favourites of mine now. Recent experience suggests I would be well suited to any one of the above roles as I am fulfilling all of the above already.

Admittedly I’ve only been doing this for 2 years but I’m confident my work and life experiences to date will count for something…

Experience does count – Of that I’m convinced, don’t let anyone try to convince you otherwise. Whatever some might say aobut your career to date or years on this planet. 🙂

Will keep you informed!

The answer is…

January 26, 2012



No I did not get offered the job.
Yes I was disappointed of course.
No I won’t give up, that’s not my style