Posts Tagged ‘honesty’

Recruitment Agents: They’re not all bad

June 29, 2012

Recruitment Agents do get a bad press.

Like other candidates who have ever felt let down, disappointed, annoyed, ignored, lied to etc by an agent I have some measure of sympathy as we all need a level of help, honesty and professionalism. The current job market is swamped with candidates wanting a job or job change and it is the Recruitment Agents skills and judgment (selling ability) which we should be able to draw upon in our ‘season of need’.

But not all criticsm is fair.

Some aggrieved individuals have even got into naming and shaming and posting online the names of the Agencies they would advise you and I to steer well clear of… Not sure that helps much.

Of course some of the larger Recruitment companies deal with the very large clients and there is a tendency for them to number crunch in order to get their ‘candidate’ statistics up to please their bosses, who seemingly only care how many interviews are happening and how many placements their staff are succeeding in.

I suspect that smaller companies will be well aware of the pitfalls and will (and should) be offering their candidates a better and more tailored service, by actually responding to emails, phone calls and listening to your actual needs. And acting on them. In this scenario we are also more likely to get proper advice and feedback from any interview.

Over the last few years I have met and spoken to a number of different consultants/ agents, and yes, I’ve been sold the dream, lied to,  left in limbo and ignored but I’ve also benefited from some of their wisdom and advice.

None of this is recruitment business is rocket science, all it needs is a bit of common sense, courtesy and good Communication! That is one of my biggest concerns.

It’s unfair to tarnish all Consultants in the same way as there will always be bad people in every industry (and that includes both Agents and candidates,). We, the job searcher still have to play our part too and be consistent and honest in our job searching. Bad experiences should not forgotten but learned from…

There are also some very good agencies around, who will give of their time, and take great pleasure in matching good applicants to good companies. Hopefully you and I will find the service and then the role we’ve been waiting for…

Frustrating it is at times, but we mustn’t give up!

STRESS (6). And Prayer…

June 22, 2009

Sadly there is nowhere on this planet (to my knowledge) where we can escape Stress entirely, and let’s face the facts: we all have stress. It is the way we actually deal with stress that matters! The good news is that prayer for stress relief works! Prayer is that unique form of communication with God, that is available…

How? When we communicate with God, we do so on a one-to-one basis and this is the time when we can’t avoid being honest with ourselves and with God. We can’t simply mumble “I’m fine” when we are talking to Him, because I  believe he knows us, intimately, he knows our thoughts, what makes us tick and what presses our buttons. So to speak. Further more He knows our strengths, weaknesses, in fact everything about us.

If he knows everything about us, why bother to pray? Because he delights in hearing our voice as we enter relationship with Him. He is not a far off and aloof God, he’s interested in us, in the good days and the bad.

Situations that cause stress in our life may not change instantly, but our ‘attitude’ in the face of the stress will make our life different. Essentially, the result of prayer as a stress relief is the recognition of our dependence upon God, to bring us through…

OK. How do I pray?
Simply, pray like you mean it… and DO mean it! The language used and the length of any prayer isn’t important. what is important is that your prayer comes from your heart. You might then pray something really simple like.

‘God if you are there, please help me cope with this situation! Amen.’


‘God, you know my need of work and my financial situation. Help me I pray. Amen’


I haven’t done this sort of thing before, (pray) but am willing to give it a go. God if you’re there, like others say you are, please hear my prayer. Amen.’

That’s a pretty good start…

Dress to Impress

February 2, 2009

My first job interview came in October 2007…

On sliding open our wardrobe and after having a quick look at the clothes hanging limply on hangers, it soon became blindingly obvious that new clothes were in order. If I was to dress to impress at interviews, I had to make some changes. The smartish shirts that I’d relied on for the previous 3 years or so were no longer in the best of shape, and when it came to the suit “You can’t wear that!” spoke my conscience. Mrs Workhope, my wife, was right, it was over twelve years since my brother got married, and though the suit might still fit (in the sleeves at least) it was no longer deemed fashionable.

True, many of the roles I was applying for were Senior ones, which would require the postholder to meet with clients, present work and present the right image. Stubbornly, I tried the suit on. “Ok, you win” – I conceded.

M&S, I knew had good quality suits and with the right colour shirt and tie combination I was sure to achieve my goal. Thankfully I found what I was looking for early on, it was stylish, worked well with bright colours and was in the right price bracket – (cheap) value for money. The next and most frustrating phase was to select and purchase a suitable tie. The local store didn’t have my size in the jacket and with two days till my first employer interview, it was, (as the kids show Me Too might say) a “Race Against Time”.

I few phone calls later Marjorie had put one fitting my description by for me in the Kingston store. When I got there, I tried it on and got the in-store suit-and-tie-co-ordinator-expert to give me his valuable input. In just over an hour I had tried on three different suits, half a dozen ties, and got a free Windsor knot tie lesson in the bargain. Tired after my exertions I retreated to the Cafe for a cup of froth, mis-sold as coffee.  “I’ll knock ‘em dead with the suit and colourful-yet-carefully-considered tie, even if they’ve doubts over my portfolio” I mused.

When the interview for the Design Management position came it was after a two hour drive into Hampshire, and I arrived in the company car park just in time for the thunder and lightening. So, there I was about to enter my first interview, in torrential rain. Was the good Lord trying to tell me something? Did the tie offend?

With an air of confidence, rather than arrogance, (hopefully) I took to the interview process without too much nervousness, answering honestly and when prompted, asked pertinent questions regarding the role up for grabs. My two interviewers both seemed likeable and on the table behind, lay a copy of the Good News Bible. I smiled to myself, maybe this was a sign from above, maybe just maybe, this job would be THE one!

As I left the building, I called Claire, (Recruitment Agent) with my feedback and waited for the official response. I had liked them, and thought they had warmed to me and my work. Claire was sympathetic in her tone when she told me the news. Boo.

I’d now succeeded in registering my first failure (?) My rain sodden go-get-em-suit, would soon be carefully returned to the wardrobe – ready for another rainy day…