Posts Tagged ‘15 minutes of fame’

This Is It.

September 25, 2009

Since Monday, Premier has been broadcasting on DAB digital radio. The Digital bit all sounds good to me, but not sure about the DAB.

I guess it means is that if I’m ever asked in again for another interview I could potentially be heard by more than 90% of the British population. Should they be so inclined to turn on. My appearance on radio was on the day before.

The whole experiences was rather exciting, I must admit that much, and my prepared notes were not much help really, when it came to it. The idea was to talk about how we as a family lived on next to no income, or on benefits and in regard to the Simplify campaign and specifically the impact on us emotionally and spiritually. Andy and Andrew are very able and soon put me at ease. It did however take a while to get used to the microphone which was poised in front of me, Lucy looked at home in this environment, while I fumbled for my plastic cup of water. This is it. A quick gulp of water and we were counted in.

I realise now, after the event, that I could actually witter for England on the radio, with or without notes. Those who spoke to me afterwards, and who listened in were positive and encouraging. Indeed being out of employment for two years is a hard place to be, but this this radio experience gave me the chance to air some of my strongly held views, including the belief that God’s looking after us and ultimately in control.

Memorabilia, t-shirts and other paraphernalia marking this momentous occasion are not available anywhere. I’ve had my 15 or 45 minutes of fame. Well sort of. That was it.