Posts Tagged ‘a new job awaits’

Game Over. (A new job awaits)

November 16, 2012

It’s been inevitable, but today was the day I finally moved on. My 3 weeks notice period was over.

I was fortunate in having a bit of a do with some work colleagues last night. Close to 5pm the advance party (incl me) took their seats at Avalon,  and rather smart pub in SW London. We were joined by others throughout the evening and had a meal together as we sank drinks and shared stories. All very civilised really, and great fun.

Today at 4 it was chocolate cakes and cookies and a surprise “Banner” and Card as well as generous gifts. It was time to say goodbyes and, when it came to it I actually said very little (for me anyway!). I didnt want to get drawn into saying anything cheesey or inappropriate (the reasons I’m actually moving on) I simply wanted to say thanks. So I said thanks, I shook hands, and I hugged and then made a bee line for the door…

I left my keys swinging in the door as I thought I would do, but someone did turn the lock after me.
I had made my exit and I was grateful for the thoughts and good wishes that accompanied me as I drove away.

“Game over”.

As a family we celebrated by sharing a KFC 8 Piece Bargain Bucket whilst watching iCarly…