Posts Tagged ‘coffee’

Snow use

February 3, 2009

Snow fell overnight so Monday was spent entertaining the kids on the computer, rather than traipsing along to school to find it closed. Mid morning we ventured out into the garden for a snowball fight, a photo session and general merriment. We saw our neighbours doing something similar, and we welcomed friends in for coffee and chat.

In the early evening we treated the boys to a viewing of The Fox and The Child. It was pretty awful, (IMHO) the story (?)  followed the exploits of a cute little girl who for some strange reason took a liking to vermin. As the film drew to a close, I pointed out of course that we sometimes had foxes leap into our garden, and however cute they looked, were not to be trusted and certainly not welcome in our house.

The movie was set in a land full of snow, and the photography had a certain appeal but there were no shots of stranded cars, trains, buses or jacknifed lorries on the M25. Nor did we see ordinary folk walking along strangely quiet snow filled roads in search of essential provisions of milk, bread or newspapers.

I was unable to get excited about job searching. Today we simply took time out as a family, snow joke.

“Coffee to go?”

January 28, 2009

I suspect coffee houses love the so-called recession. Where else can shoppers sit and pontificate on the state of their local high street and shopping centre, or mull over the latest offers whilst supping in comfort?. Home?

Nah. However hard it gets, they’ll always be a coffee shop somewhere nearby, they’re an essential part of the shopping (or browsing) experience. Is it likely that we’ll be changing some habits of our lifetime and gathering with friends or work colleagues in the local park with our Thermos flasks at the ready?

My Thermos flask from Tescos is Blue, and will hold over a litre of liquid. I know I’ve tried. It has a drop, throw, kick and shock proof shell, and thankfully I generally have room for it in my despatch bag which is usually slung over my shoulder. Of course in the unlikely event of a party, or nuclear attack, it could possibly take two flasks, should there be a crowd of us wanting one final cuppa. Let’s decide, one could be full of decaf, the other real coffee. That should do it.

On Tuesday, I decided to pay for the privilege of drinking a coffee in comfort(!) at McDonalds. I ordered and the girl serving asked, in all innocence, possibly without thinking, ‘Is it to take away?’ Thankfully I restrained myself from quipping… ‘No, if you wouldn’t mind leaving it on the counter, I’ll just go read my book, and i’ll pick it up when I’m done’.

Until the day dawns when we, in our society rediscover the art of entertaining in our own homes, and switching on our own kettles, I would suggest that Coffee houses across the world, will keep serving up their Mochas, Lattes, over priced muffins, individually wrapped Millionaire Choccy bars and soft drinks by the bucket load  – while reaping the rewards.

We can of course dream, like Martin. One fine day, front rooms and garden patios will be given back over to the entertaining of friends and neighbours once again. Imagine if you can, the scene. Home made biscuits, cakes and maybe a slice of something (extra special) that Aunty Flo made, being served to accompany our choice of steaming hot tea or coffee – ready to pour, from a highly coloured and virtually indestructible Thermos flask of course!

Job hunting is hard work

January 23, 2009

Yep. Finding work today is hard work. Before the credit crunch started crunching it was difficult enough, and I could tell you a thing about that… i’ve been doing it long enough. Obviously not very successfully to date but, hey ho I press on.

Finding work requires effort, and it follows therefore if your day, (or just the morning for that matter) is spent picking at food whilst sat in front of the TV, and rising only to go to the bathroom to avert an accident or to get dressed, or pluck another drink out the fridge – you’re missing something. It’s called ‘doing’.

For those of us who have financial responsibilities, like a mortgage, a family, or a desire to better our selves, and pay the odd bill or two, you’ll be motivated enough to leave the comfort of the sagging sofa or the Wii game and stir your self into action. For me, It’s convenient to stay on the sagging sofa, partly because I can reach my cold mug of tea and mobile easily whilst I tap away writing and applying for jobs of interest online. This is my office and no rubbish TV will take priority over my job search, unless of course, CBeebies is particularly enthralling or something amazing happens in the Market Kitchen.

Generally I don’t do much tele., or munching between meals. Just ingest copious amounts of coffee and take the required comfort breaks.

I get up when the rest of the family get up, the kids still need sorting out, getting to school (and home again) the house needs looking after, shopping needs doing and I’m not convinced Mrs Workhope would take kindly to her beloved husband slouching all day. I have a routine and it helps, and it goes something like this, job search in the morning, afternoon and evening and in between times, I read, drink coffee, check the Chelsea website, Pray, read the good book, consider what needs DIYing (and DIY it maybe). Miss Marple and Poirot have sometimes been welcome distractions, but I can honestly say, I hardly ever get to see a whole episode in one sitting.

Before I go, another thing I do is to keep a Diary, (can you tell?) might be good to look back on one day – and is useful habit to get into as the Job Centre like to know what I’m upto… Bless em.

Anyone know what time Diagnosis Murder is on?