Posts Tagged ‘Home’

“Coffee to go?”

January 28, 2009

I suspect coffee houses love the so-called recession. Where else can shoppers sit and pontificate on the state of their local high street and shopping centre, or mull over the latest offers whilst supping in comfort?. Home?

Nah. However hard it gets, they’ll always be a coffee shop somewhere nearby, they’re an essential part of the shopping (or browsing) experience. Is it likely that we’ll be changing some habits of our lifetime and gathering with friends or work colleagues in the local park with our Thermos flasks at the ready?

My Thermos flask from Tescos is Blue, and will hold over a litre of liquid. I know I’ve tried. It has a drop, throw, kick and shock proof shell, and thankfully I generally have room for it in my despatch bag which is usually slung over my shoulder. Of course in the unlikely event of a party, or nuclear attack, it could possibly take two flasks, should there be a crowd of us wanting one final cuppa. Let’s decide, one could be full of decaf, the other real coffee. That should do it.

On Tuesday, I decided to pay for the privilege of drinking a coffee in comfort(!) at McDonalds. I ordered and the girl serving asked, in all innocence, possibly without thinking, ‘Is it to take away?’ Thankfully I restrained myself from quipping… ‘No, if you wouldn’t mind leaving it on the counter, I’ll just go read my book, and i’ll pick it up when I’m done’.

Until the day dawns when we, in our society rediscover the art of entertaining in our own homes, and switching on our own kettles, I would suggest that Coffee houses across the world, will keep serving up their Mochas, Lattes, over priced muffins, individually wrapped Millionaire Choccy bars and soft drinks by the bucket load  – while reaping the rewards.

We can of course dream, like Martin. One fine day, front rooms and garden patios will be given back over to the entertaining of friends and neighbours once again. Imagine if you can, the scene. Home made biscuits, cakes and maybe a slice of something (extra special) that Aunty Flo made, being served to accompany our choice of steaming hot tea or coffee – ready to pour, from a highly coloured and virtually indestructible Thermos flask of course!