Posts Tagged ‘interview ettiquete’

Job Interview Advice: What not to do or say…

October 9, 2011

With an interview on the horizon it’s got to be worth dedicating time in preparation, this will show you as serious and should be reflected when the big day comes. In addition to pressing your clothes and doing some homework on the employer, it is worth taking note of some interview turn offs!

Employers will probably have a long list of interview “no no’s” and will be looking out for these when they meet you. Picking your nose will be one of them of course, but there are other things you should avoid saying or doing at interview. The list here is not exhaustive, and some might be obvious to you, sadly they are not obvious to everyone!

Don’t be late
It is imperative that you don’t arrive late for an interview. It will not impress your interviewer and they will question whether you can actually be on time for the job itself! If your car or the train breaks down en route or you get stuck in traffic – remember to call ahead in plenty of time. If you had a late night, nursing a hangover and still in bed an hour before the appointment you clearly are not serious about the job and should do the polite thing and cancel. Try to arrive in good time in order to familiarise yourself with the location, freshen up and relax.

Don’t turn up unprepared
If you have not done your research or not read the job description properly, your interviewer will be able to tell. Should you get the company or interviewers name wrong that probably won’t help your cause too much, unless of course the interviewer is forgiving and appreciates that such a slip is probably down to nerves.

Don’t be tempted to ‘wing it’ during an interview, despite how much you think you already know about the company.

Don’t wear inappropriate clothing
Whether you like it or not, first impressions count! Regardless of what you chose to wear outside of work, remember you are going to an interview and need to impress. Clean, ironed and professional looking clothing is the best way to go. If you have any doubts before hand you should contact the HR department or recruitment agent and ask for the expected interview dress code. They should always be able to guide you.

Don’t forget to turn off your mobile phone
A phone ringing with your favourite song during a job interview is highly unprofessional and will most certainly be frowned upon by your interviewer. Even if they like the band! Turn your phone off or to silent before the interview begins.

Don’t waffle
A candidate who talks too much or is over-enthusiastic may irritate the interviewer. This may give the impression that you are difficult to control, will find it hard to listen or keep focussed.

Avoid bad-mouthing previous /current employers
During an interview do not be tempted to complain about previous colleagues. If you left your old job due to a conflict with a former boss, even if this was not down to you – Say nothing, instead bite your tongue! This could imply that you have difficulty getting on with people and this will not be the impression you want to leave with a prospective employer.

Don’t lie!
Lying in an interview is dumb. Not only will your body language give you away, but it can be held against you later on, even if you get offered the job. Lying on your CV or application can also be used as grounds for dismissal, particularly if the lie is about your qualifications or criminal record.

Don’t use foul language
Swearing during an interview is a big “no no” – it will show you up as rude and disrespectful.

Don’t give away too much about your personal life
It’s important to remember that a prospective employer is looking for things that show them you are the right person for the job. At this stage they don’t want to know about your drinking habits or relationship issues, focus instead on the skills that will secure you the job.

Avoid fidgeting or biting nails
Playing with your hair, fiddling with pens, or tapping your fingers are all signs of nervousness and will also end up making your interviewers feel uncomfortable too. Instead, sit straight, keep your hands below your elbows and rest them somewhere comfortable so that all that your interviewer is paying attention to is what you are saying.

Avoid eating anything smelly immediately before your interview
Before your interview try not to eat or drink anything that has a tendency to linger, such as garlic, onions or in the case of drink no alcohol. Strong odours take a while to disappear. Both you and your interviewer will be able to notice it, which could be an embarrassing distraction!

Don’t argue with your interviewer(s)
Confrontation during your interview is not a good idea! Even if you disagree with something that has been said – don’t get drawn in. After all, who is going to want to hire somebody who is aggressive or argumentative, as this doesn’t bode well for any future interactions with their team.

Don’t mention ‘money’
Employers need to know that you are applying for the job because you have the relevant skills and experiences on offer. They will not want be impressed that your sole motivation revolves around the salary and how much annual leave is on offer.

Don’t overstay your welcome
Interviewers have very likely carved out a specific time slot in which to meet with you. This may be mentioned before your meeting commences. If so, be advised that they will not want to be delayed so let them lead the interview with regard to time. Do not be tempted to keep talking after they have drawn the meeting to a conclusion. If they can offer you more time, they will make this clear.