Posts Tagged ‘John Terry’

JT is a silly man

February 2, 2010

JT is a silly man. What happens next is unclear even though there’s lots of speculation in the media. Will he one day be remembered in the sports history books as a footballing saint, a great leader on the football pitch, or a guy who spectacularly slipped up (not just in the Champions League!) or a plonker? I suspect all the above.

For me he is Chelsea through and through and if those who he plays with at Chelsea FC still have respect for the guy, as a man and a leader he should remain as CFC captain, and possibly England captain. He did wrong, no excuses BUT let’s be honest, we all fail, make mistakes and let other people down at times. Even hurting those closest to us.

Whose to say that others in the England set up are squeaky clean?

JT has done wrong, is paying for it in a number of ways and hopefully the media witch hunt will stop.

As for the other woman, she’s no angel either, with ‘further revelations’ likely. Let’s remember this as we see her run into the clutches of a certain Mr Clifford and his tabloid friends… with the promise of a handsome payout.