Posts Tagged ‘Jose Mourinho’

A Premier Appointment

September 19, 2009

Yep, Sunday September 20th at 9am, WorkHope will be with accompanying friend in a studio of Premier Radio. Interesting. The Simplify campaign for the Evangelical Alliance will be under discussion as will this Blog.

September 20th was also the date a Premier appointment came to an end… Jose left my beloved Chelsea FC that day 2 years ago.

The following day, September 21st 2007, I left full-time employment with high hopes of quick appointment into the world of Graphic Design whilst my redundancy cheque burnt a hole in my pocket. A lot can happen in 24 months, or not as the case may be!. No “Anniversary” celebrations are planned, although a beer and a cake would be nice…

On the 22nd Mr WorkHope (Senior) celebrates his next birthday. On the 23rd, it’s back to job searching as per normal.