Posts Tagged ‘June 19’

D-Day – The news headlines

January 30, 2009

June 19 2007 was decision day, officially at least. In reality my decision had been made a few days earlier over the weekend… and as such my letter (if it’s right to call it a letter at less than twenty words!) was delivered to the HR department by 11am. Then I waited.

At 12:08 an email from my boss broke the news to the rest of my department. Some were shocked, but not all. The message said they were sad to see me go, that I had been a good employee and that I would be missed.

I would be off in three months time, I would no longer be on the payroll of this gargantuan publisher, no longer would I have to wait for the dodgy and unreliable lift to the tenth floor. No longer would I tread the same route to work, no longer would I have some long standing friends alongside me on a daily basis. Things were abut to change, and for the better. In the short term (at least) I would have no income, but the redundancy pay off would be a cushion, and because of this I would be in no rush to get straight back to work, but I would start looking anyway. One recruitment consultant recommended taking a break, a short holiday, before contemplating my next move.

He was right, we did, and very soon as a family, we were holidaying in North Wales. Job searching could wait until our return. I felt confident I was employable, the recruitment consultant was too. Let’s see how long it takes…