Posts Tagged ‘newspapers’

Snow use

February 3, 2009

Snow fell overnight so Monday was spent entertaining the kids on the computer, rather than traipsing along to school to find it closed. Mid morning we ventured out into the garden for a snowball fight, a photo session and general merriment. We saw our neighbours doing something similar, and we welcomed friends in for coffee and chat.

In the early evening we treated the boys to a viewing of The Fox and The Child. It was pretty awful, (IMHO) the story (?)  followed the exploits of a cute little girl who for some strange reason took a liking to vermin. As the film drew to a close, I pointed out of course that we sometimes had foxes leap into our garden, and however cute they looked, were not to be trusted and certainly not welcome in our house.

The movie was set in a land full of snow, and the photography had a certain appeal but there were no shots of stranded cars, trains, buses or jacknifed lorries on the M25. Nor did we see ordinary folk walking along strangely quiet snow filled roads in search of essential provisions of milk, bread or newspapers.

I was unable to get excited about job searching. Today we simply took time out as a family, snow joke.