Posts Tagged ‘sofa’

Would you Adam and Eve it…

January 16, 2010

With the New Year well and truly underway it’s been time to shop. Again.

Not for food, of course. It’s Sales time, and without the need for a new bed or sofa we have been thinking practically. We started with socks and moved onto slippers for the boys…

Not a big deal one might think, but for Junior Junior we needed size 10 slippers, with backs and of reasonable design, as 5 year old’s can be fussy. A trip to Sainsburys was half successful, as only one of the pair could be found. When I asked a member of staff, whether, the missing item, might have been returned to a counter, a till point, or tucked away in the stock room, she gesticulated that people liked to kick clothes around on the floor and she was at  loss as to where to look.

Cheekily, I gave her a clue by getting on all fours under the clothes fixture to look around. She got the point eventually and walked away to do nothing else. Read on…

Job hunting is hard work

January 23, 2009

Yep. Finding work today is hard work. Before the credit crunch started crunching it was difficult enough, and I could tell you a thing about that… i’ve been doing it long enough. Obviously not very successfully to date but, hey ho I press on.

Finding work requires effort, and it follows therefore if your day, (or just the morning for that matter) is spent picking at food whilst sat in front of the TV, and rising only to go to the bathroom to avert an accident or to get dressed, or pluck another drink out the fridge – you’re missing something. It’s called ‘doing’.

For those of us who have financial responsibilities, like a mortgage, a family, or a desire to better our selves, and pay the odd bill or two, you’ll be motivated enough to leave the comfort of the sagging sofa or the Wii game and stir your self into action. For me, It’s convenient to stay on the sagging sofa, partly because I can reach my cold mug of tea and mobile easily whilst I tap away writing and applying for jobs of interest online. This is my office and no rubbish TV will take priority over my job search, unless of course, CBeebies is particularly enthralling or something amazing happens in the Market Kitchen.

Generally I don’t do much tele., or munching between meals. Just ingest copious amounts of coffee and take the required comfort breaks.

I get up when the rest of the family get up, the kids still need sorting out, getting to school (and home again) the house needs looking after, shopping needs doing and I’m not convinced Mrs Workhope would take kindly to her beloved husband slouching all day. I have a routine and it helps, and it goes something like this, job search in the morning, afternoon and evening and in between times, I read, drink coffee, check the Chelsea website, Pray, read the good book, consider what needs DIYing (and DIY it maybe). Miss Marple and Poirot have sometimes been welcome distractions, but I can honestly say, I hardly ever get to see a whole episode in one sitting.

Before I go, another thing I do is to keep a Diary, (can you tell?) might be good to look back on one day – and is useful habit to get into as the Job Centre like to know what I’m upto… Bless em.

Anyone know what time Diagnosis Murder is on?