Posts Tagged ‘take any job’

Jobs – The New dawn…

February 5, 2012

With the evening (and computer) pretty much to myself I spent another hour or so checking out the football headlines, before turning my attention to what is available on e-bay and other randomness…

It’s all to easy to get embroiled in whether a sacked football captain should have been relieved of his duties earlier – or at all. All to easy to be taken in by the media / celebrities stories which appear to be flimsy in depth or truth.

Finally I got to job searching online and managed to fire off another application ever hopeful of a positive outcome. If anyone were to ask how many jobs I’d actually applied for over the last year or so, I couldn’t honestly say.

Fortunately I have a Recruitment Agent, who appears to understand my particular situation and is on my case, and pro-active in tracking down opportunities with me in mind.

When the upturn in the UK economy eventually arrives and new jobs become available there is likely to be a huge movement of workers all seeking better opportunities.

Armies of workers toiling in less than satisfactory jobs, will be on the move, migrating away from employers who have been exploiting the situation. We could well see the emergence of a ‘job seekers market’ when there is little need to ‘take any job’ just because as they are desperate for cash.

Good employers will have nothing to fear of course, they and their reputations will stand firm with their workforce staying loyal and appreciated. It will be the disillusioned job seeker will have the last say as they, in time will find cherry pick suitable roles with realistic job descriptions, salaries, terms and conditions. When the new dawn arrives, and unless things improve, I would expect my current employers to lose to up to 6 staff members, all seeking better.

For now the Champagne is on ice.