Posts Tagged ‘Your ways’

A more formal prayer for a job / new job

October 11, 2012

Lord God
Thank you for everlasting love. I acknowledge, Lord, that Your love for me is deeper that the ocean and bigger than the biggest need in my heart.

All my longings and dreams I lay before you and I commit myself as well as my need for a new job into Your loving hands.

Lord God, I ask that you might fulfil the desire of my heart and bless the work of my hands so that I may find work that is fulfilling and meets the financial needs of our family. I have stood and sat before you many times before in petition and in thanks for the way you have miraculously provided for us. Once again I come, completely trusting in you and your ways at this time. I am certain that you can make a way through the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. I am confident also that you can open a way where there seems to be no way! And indeed an opportunity where there is no current opening

Lord, as I continue in my job search and as I persevere prayerfully and wholehearedly through various selection procedures and interviews, I pray that your Your mighty hand might rest upon me and grant me Your grace and mercies in the eyes of all interviewers and would-be employers. Please perfect everything that concerns me and grant me your wisdom and knowledge and put the right words into my mouth for all interviews and into written words when completing application forms..

I acknowledge that my ways are not Your ways, neither are my thoughts Your thoughts. Your ways and Your thoughts are higher than the heavens above and you alone have a perfect plan for my future and that of my family.

May your will be done.  Amen.