Ask God

I’ve often got questions, from the simple to the simply frustrating, and I don’t always get the answers I’m expecting. Like, why am I working where I’m working? What is the point of the local Job Centre? Why do I moan so much when I should be grateful for a job? Why do so many people watch rubbish television like Big Brother when Britain’s Got Talent is equally awful?

I haven’t got the foggiest!

Sometimes we have mind blowing or irritating questions which we can’t shake off or get out of our skulls. Such questions are the basis of a series at our church over the next few weeks. Maybe there’s a question here that you could do with being answered?

Starting this week at church, and for five subsequent weeks over the Summer, we’ll be answering two tough questions each Sunday.

The questions, generated by church members of all ages should make for an interesting series of talks…
I understand the questions will include:

• Why do we need to pray?
• Why do some people not get healed?
• What will heaven be like?
• Why do so such good things happen to bad people?
• Why do so such bad things happen to good people?
• How can a loving God send people to hell?
• How can God love me, when I don’t even love myself?

Let’s hope for some answers?

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