Archive for the ‘sea side’ Category

Oh happy ebay

September 19, 2010

Every now and again we get a bite. We get a sale and we move closer to paying for our fast approaching Cornish holiday.

We are now selling (not just buying) on Ebay, which has opened up new opportunities for earning extra cash, and at the same time is rather addictive.

Our loft is due another rummage soon, as are the cupboards – everywhere! We’re continually reviewing what we need and what we can get rid of.  All very satisfying really, although I’ve also spotted some ‘must have cds’ that are on sale too… Oh well… I’m learning…

I’ve been sanding down unwanted furniture, polishing it or refurbishing it with a smooth lick of paint in order to sell on. The stench of the wax polish as it blends with the fumes from the paint is a small downside, but it’s worth it.

It’s a bit frustrating when the items we trust in don’t sell, and our back room remains totally cluttered with would be stock. But, we are equally excited by the interest shown in preloved clothes and toys that our sons have ‘grown out of’.

All this also serves as a useful reminder to us as a family that we can be proactive in different areas and make some pocket money – regardless of my work status.

Thank you for a great day out…

August 22, 2010

Today was rather a marathon day out, inspired in part by the thought of seeing Antony Gormleys ‘Critical Mass’ again after all these years. This time we made tracks for Bexhill-On-Sea, a rather long and tortuous journey by car as we seemed to get caught behind Sunday drivers, who’d hit the road a day early. Once at the pavillion we joined the bronze casts in their various positions on the roof and posed with them for photographs. We weren’t the only ones. And it was free.

The excitement continued with a rapid tour of charity shops when I managed to acquire ‘1977’ and ‘Nu-Clear Sounds’ for fifty pence each. Best not tell Ash. For some particular reason we also paid Hastings a visit. Still not sure why. Soon we were back in the car and heading for Beachy Head, the prospect of having wind in the hair and a good bracing walk spurred us on.

On arrival at the car park I was strangely drawn to the closed cafe in search of two hot cups of tea. Uncle Mark and I were desperate for a brew. Mrs W and boys, totally unconcerned strode on.

After a short sulk we rejoined the party and strolled to the Head itself, taking in our share of fresh south coast air and enjoying the spectacular views of the other Sisters.

Later I would recall the last time there, when standing at the top, with arms outstretched, I poured out my heart to God – a significant moment. I probably had a thermos of tea tucked away in the car boot too.

The seafront at Seaford was our next destination.  Not much doing, but with deserted beach, low light, sea mist closing in and an open cafe, it met the criteria, pressed all the right buttons. The woman who served us was obviously learning English, so we exchanged a fair number of pleases and thank yous. One hot drink later we were on the way home. Mrs W, Uncle Mark, boys and Mr Gormley… I thank you.