Posts Tagged ‘GP’

STRESS (4). I’m feeling fine…

June 22, 2009

Stress is an extremely common problem in those who experience redundancy or who face the threat of it. Apparently people on prescription anti-depressants or painkillers shoot up dramatically.

Sadly, stress affects most of us at different times in our lives, and losing a job is high in the league of stressful situations, alongside getting divorced, losing a loved one, or moving home. The sense of not being in control, or being a helpless victim of circumstances – is one of the key drivers of stress. You may indeed feel fine most of the time, but your body might begin to tell you otherwise. That’s my experience anyway!

What are the affects of Stress?
Stress can, if not controlled/ managed can ultimately damage the lives of those it affects. both emotionally and physically. Stressed individuals suffer damage to their relationships, both in the workplace and outside of it, as the pressure blunts emotional responsiveness to others.

Stress might also show itself in (some, not all of) the following ways.
• depression
• diabetes
• hair loss
• heart disease
• obesity
• obsessive-compulsive or anxiety disorder
• sexual dysfunction
• tooth and gum disease
• ulcers

Stress in fairly commonplace these days, so don’t feel embarrassed if your body tells you it’s time to pay a visit to the local, friendly GP or Church Pastor. Best check it out eh?