Posts Tagged ‘Prepare’

Christmas job search shut down?

December 24, 2011

Job hunting in December is seen by some as pretty pointless exercise but between the office party and finishing for the year there are some things you might be able to commit to trying…

Private Review
This time of year is a great time to review your objectives to ensure we are clear headed for the coming new year. Might be worth thinking afresh of your goals and motives for seeking change. This might be obvious in most cases but worth consideration.  Is this what you are thinking about really what you want? If you landed a new job tomorrow – how would you feel? December holidays is an ideal time to think the unthinkable, explore radical ideas and, if necessary, completely revisit your job objectives for the coming year. Write it down and keep it handy!

Clean up your act
Over the Christmas period you should make some time for doing the things that you have been mulling over the past year. This might include updating (or completing) your Linkedin profile, or replacing that unflattering photo you posted up in a rush. It might be a good time to re-read and then tweak your main CV, and consider if it can work even smarter for you. When the new year arrives you should be ready for the next assault on the job market…

December and Christmas in particular can be a great time to network with old colleagues, friends, and relatives and anyone else you’ve neglected during the past year. It doesn’t mean you need to over indulge and spend over the odds either. Very often a chat over a coffee will be sufficient. I recently caught up with three ex colleagues who were able to share some ideas almost as we took our seats in the pub to eat! I would not discount the value of informal (or otherwise) catch ups as they are always useful and can be a good source of encouragement and information. It is fun too!

Learn something new
Learning a new skill or tool might be another way of increasing your visibility in the job market. Alternatively you might pick up a skill or technique that you’ve struggled with in the past. If you need advice, there are many online resources available to draw on too. Practising interview techniques might be another consideration. Whatever efforts you expend will hopefully help to build your confidence and ‘appeal’ come the new year.

Ok, you can relax too! We all need to take time out to refresh ourselves and re-energise. Job searching can be tiring as well as being stimulating at times, so give yourself time out to enjoy being with friends and family, maybe a good walk will do you good too. Enjoy!

Have a really Happy Christmas and here’s wishing you success in the year ahead…