Posts Tagged ‘Time warped?’

Interview in a hurry…

June 21, 2012

Traffic was bad and it was raining. With 20 miutes to go I was stuck in traffic wondering if I should park up and hot foot it to the meeting place.

I spied an empty parking meter and started feeding it cash after a helpful Parking Attendant told me If I could wait until after 6pm parking would be somewhat cheaper. For me this was no real help, my interview was due at 6pm and I had precisely 6 mins if I was to arrive on time.

After changing my shirt and spraying something vaguely pleasant smelling in the rough direction of my armpits, I fed coins into the pay machine and ran. Thankfully in the right direction.

With 2 minutes to spare the guy on reception had phoned my interviewer and I could relax breifly. After a short pause it was up 21 flights of stairs for my meeting. (I jest). The lift delivered me to a security door on 21 and after pressing a big plastic button entered the lobby.

It was now after 6pm and I was soon joined by my interviewer who thrust some registration forms towards me. A few moments later while the ink was still drying the meeting was underway.

She was, how shall I say, efficient and not one for small talk, she was in a hurry. At least she had my CV with her, but as the discussion ensued it was little more than a prop…

By 6.35pm (I checked)  the appointment was over and I was descended the numerous floors at high speed, this time with another traveller. Within a further 5 minutes I was starting my car engine for the trip home. I felt strangely time warped?

Oh my, that was a swift interview, my shortest yet. Let’s hope the effort was worth it!