Posts Tagged ‘coffee shop’

Another mixed week…

September 11, 2009

Sunday was great. It really was. We were at church after all, the best place to be, amongst a congregation of good friends, new friends, old friends and newbies who wouldn’t know us all from Adam. Adam by the way usually sits at the front on the left hand side. The preaching was great, encouraging and for me spot on. Daniel the old testament chap and subject of the day was a man who the bible records lived out his faith, trusted God in the midst of religious persecution, and captive in culture foreign to him (excuse the pun) and oppressed.

Monday was a chance for me to shine, and show would-be-employers how I could adapt to working in a new environment, a coffee shop where the products were either fairly traded or organic. A barista I might never be, but after some helpful guidance was soon pouring lattes, cuppacino’s and milkshakes like the rest of them. It was great fun, busy and I thoroughly enjoyed the pace, the buzz and different-ness-ness (?)  of it all. Soon, I believed I would have a full-time job I could apply myself too, maybe management role would come quickly if I proved myself, once again be able to pay the mortgage… I was of course still on trial myself, at the mercy of the owner and other staff who, I guess would be reporting back… In the evening I met with others currently between jobs for our fortnightly support group, which is always such an encouragement. I hoped for good news to share soon.

Tuesday I worked elsewhere, and Wednesday was back amongst the coffee beans, and serving the customers with enthusiasm. This was great, maybe, just maybe, this was where I was meant to be…. Thursday morning I got the news I would not be offered the job after all, and after being momentarily stunned, pressed the employer for the reason. A reason was given, but it was all very vague. It is an employers market remember..

In the afternoon I went to a job fair with a friend, which helped raise hope in me once again. Later on, the graveyard shift in the department store beckoned. Whoppee doo. Another far from perfect end to a far from perfect day.

Friday was my day of rest, a chance to chill, and to do some charity shop shopping. In the evening Derren Brown was on tele lifting the lid on his lottery number prediction. Or was he? I was not convinced.

Saturday at 5.15 I would be up, awake and preparing to leave the house for another car boot sale. I was convinced the sun would shine… It did and we finshed the day in profit by £41.00.

Daniel is still in my mind. He’s still an inspiration and I have still much to learn. Faith, man, faith…