Posts Tagged ‘Design Portfolio’

When Wednesday comes…

December 13, 2009

After an incredibly busy few weeks and with increased stresses and pains (for various reasons that I won’t go into here), it’s good to be at the weekend.

There have of course been reasons to be cheerful… This last week Mrs W celebrated her birthday in a low key, low calorie, low budget sort of way and  midweek I got the news that I’d been invited to interview, so you can imagine my delight. Everyone knows, but interview opportunities these days, don’t come as frequently as buses. London buses that is.

But when next Wednesday comes I will be ready as I can be, my nerves may be jangling ever so slightly, but i’ll be groomed, prayerful and in my sweaty palms I will be grasping my design portfolio and heading into the city.

I will give this one my best shot, and hope to give a good account for myself… Almost certainly, this will be my last interview of 2009. No pressure.

A significant day. June 1st 2009

June 2, 2009

Make no mistake, today, June 1st has been a special day –  and for a number of different reasons.

Reason 1.
This day our eldest son celebrated his 7th Birthday, and before school submerged himself into a pile of waiting Birthday gifts in search of treasure. Thankfully he found some, books and Dvd’s about Space, a Bionicle, a Hot Wheels set, a thing to throw around in wide open spaces and hope someone can catch it, a glow in the dark space book from his younger brother, and a hand crafted birthday card from his proud parents. Seven years ago today… Ah, how time has flown…

Reason 2.
One of footballs’ worst kept secrets was revealed today. After the success of steering Chelsea to FA Cup success on Saturday, Mr Hiddink has made way for a new manager, Carlo Ancelloti. He was unveiled to the media, holding the famous Blue shirt, ready to take the helm. I don’t know a great deal about this chap, other than he was an apparent success at AC Milan and tears were shed when he left. He doesn’t speak very good English, but has vowed to learn, and quickly. Chelsea fans wait with bated breath, hoping Roman got the appointment right. Meanwhile Carlo, all the best!

Reason 3.
My Bible reading notes for this day are spot on. Hebrews 12:1 encourages us to “Lay aside every weight, and … run with endurance…” I was reminded that we have one shot at this life and should run it not half heartedly, but with conviction, face forward, and not look back. We cant change the past of course, but we can learn from it. Neither should we be anxious about the next lap, instead concentrate on our next steps. The writer of Hebrews put it like this:
1Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

Many of us carry around weights, and anxieties and burdens of the past, rather than casting them off and being focused on the way ahead.

We’re to get rid of the old baggage old relationships, pointless fears, and false indebtedness to those who seek to manipulate us. There are enough painful trials in life; why endure the ones we can lay aside?

Once again the truth of this hit me. Past failures, and my decision to leave work 19 months ago does come back to haunt me occasionally, and it doesn’t really help! I need to throw off that sort of unhelpful thinking, as these things are a hindrance to me. Instead, I’m motivated, once again to press on with my job search with a dose of added enthusiasm! Only a couple of days ago did I pledge to review my CV and job search plan. But reading this scripture has helped galvanise me into more action.

Good Reasons.
A birthday which ushers in a new year, a new manager appointed at a football club is building up anticipation for all involved and the process of reviewing and adjusting my CV and Design Portfolio are significant, forward thinking and positive steps.

I hope June 2nd and beyond are significant too.