Posts Tagged ‘Exit’

Exit strategy

February 13, 2010

Someone once said ‘If You Don’t Know Where You’re Going, You’ll Probably End Up Somewhere Else’. Makes sense I suppose.

This said, I didn’t get there even though I thought I knew where I was heading. Maybe one day I will, but not now.

Maybe this new God given job opportunity amongst hairdryers, curling tongs, straighteners and the like is the death knell for my career in graphic design and design management. At the moment I sense that’s not all important. What is important is being obedient to God, working conscientiously for my new employers and being able to support my family. Period.

The practical side of extracting myself from two part time jobs has been rather weird and emotional, and could have been a real ‘mare, but thankfully it wasn’t. Both employers have Read on…