Posts Tagged ‘Garfield’

Our Family At The Museum

May 23, 2009

I will only be working two days this week, but I can’t be bothered to sign on again – it really is too much hassle.  Instead I’ll try make the most of the time available, by job hunting and spending time with Mrs. W and our boys… Half-term holiday has arrived.

One planned outing involves the cinema, timed perfectly to coincide with half term with zillions of children wanting quite rightly some care and attention from their parents. Maybe they’ll take time to play with their toys, zap or punch baddies on computer games or watch Pink Panther or Garfield on Boomerang. What they will not be keen to do, will be the chores, any homework or food or charity shopping something us grown ups have to do. No 1 on our boys hit list over the next few days is the film ‘Night At the Museum 2’ – even though the reviews of this aren’t particularly glowing. It’s been panned as neither fun nor exciting, but is stuffed with the expected special FX. If I can convince everyone to wait 6 months or so,  we’ll see it on dvd or put it on the Christmas list.

Saturday however, I did a car boot sale and promised that the profits would help pay for cinema tickets, for us all. I better keep my part of the bargain.

To make the week a go with a blast, I propose we do our very own Museum experience… Surely I can, after seeking appropriate permissions, organise a family outing to the National History Museum and Science Museum – (for free of course) and have a glorified sleepover – with our sleeping bags, torches, toothbrushes, video cameras and vivid imaginations. When morning comes we will contact the papers with our stories…

That should do it…