Posts Tagged ‘George Muller’

Trust in God – A quote

May 8, 2012

Only let it be trust in God, not in man, not in circumstances, not in any of your own exertions, but real trust in God, and you will be helped in your various necessities… Not in circumstances, not in natural prospects, not in former donors, but solely in God. This is just that which brings the blessing. If we say we trust in Him, but in reality do not, then God, taking us at our word, lets us see that we do not really confide in Him; and hence failure arises. On the other hand, if our trust in the Lord is real, help will surely come.

(George Muller)

Visible Proof

March 13, 2009

It was V and R who prompted me to read about the inspirational George Muller. Only a few pages into the Roger Steer book and it’s gripping stuff. It gives account after account of how God provided for Muller, his family and the orphanages for needy children he set up..

Like Muller we have not asked people for financial or practical assistance, but we certainly have received it. As a family on pretty much a daily basis we have prayed for Gods help, that He might show His hand and meet our needs. (Visible proof) And we want to give testimony to his goodness to us…

Unlike Muller, however,  we are novices at this and tend to fall back into searching out ways to make money for ourselves. (Is this a lack of Faith?)

Interestingly, over the last seventeen months or so we have received the following:-  funds for two holidays, financial gifts that total more than £2500, huge bags and boxes of bits (including. toys and books, clothes, jigsaws, a keyboard, a television, mini hifi system), for our direct benefit or as we chose, to sell at Car Boot Sales.

That’s not all, God has provided, through others, payment for last years Car MOT and Service, my place on a Mens church Weekend, accommodation at the recent Church gathering at Butlins, we’ve enjoyed curries and other meals with friends, been provided with ‘food parcels’, petrol money, cups of coffee, the occasional beer and much more.

We have been provided us with really good (and new) supportive friends and family members who are standing by us. Many of them have their own needs, issues and struggles. So they give at a cost.

We continue to trust God, and approach Him in prayer often, that He will see our needs met, and we have not been disappointed. Mr Muller is one such man who, over one hundred and fifty years ago, believed God would provide for him – and he did.

As he opened to the Bible to speak and in his own devotions, it would appear that Muller was struck by the Psalms and Psalm 81 v 10 about Gods provision in particular … “Open your mouth and I (God) will fill it”.

If you are struggling to cope in some areas, whether in relationships, health, finances, or job prospects, don’t call the ‘A Team’, ‘Ghostbusters’ or ‘118 118’, talk to your maker, it won’t cost you a penny!

Delighted in God (The Story of George Muller) is written by Roger Steer.