Posts Tagged ‘self absorbed’

The flip side

April 21, 2009

I have written elsewhere about the tremendous support we as a family have received over the last 18 months or so while I have been out of work. There are those who have prayed for us, given generously in different practical ways, listened to us and encouraged where they can.

However, there is also a flip side, and it is worth noting as a matter of record, that not everyone who we thought would stand with us during hard times and ‘trials’, demonstrating ongoing support has actually done so. There is surely a lesson here for us all.

When hard times come in life (and they do!) it is these moments and situations that are the testing grounds for our relationships. In these times we may of course be pleasantly surprised and truly blessed, conversely we might feel let down by those who we once viewed as our dependable ‘rocks’. Instead we find ourselves growling and muttering, at those who by their actions (or in-actions) have shown themselves to be rather indifferent, uncaring, unsympathetic, selfish and self absorbed…

Before we consider lashing out at those who’ve failed us, it’s possibly worth re-adjusting our own wonky halos, and taking a longer than usual deep breath and look at our own actions. After all we don’t know everything that’s going on in their lives – do we?

Finally, obviously or otherwise, there is actually a rather positive flip side to the flip side itself.
When we face trials, the people who stand along side us, are quite probably the very best people to do so!