Posts Tagged ‘show initiative’

How to really impress your boss…

July 12, 2012

“Impress that jerk? You have to be joking”

 If your boss fits the description above, he’s a bad boss (I would suggest you start looking for a change of job so you can move on).

There really are good bosses out there, honest! And you can really make a difference. These are the bosses who do their fair share and more, they lead by example, support their employees and see that hard work is rewarded.

These are the bosses we can aim to impress. Wearing provocative clothing, flirting and showering them with affection or gifts is one way – but may well lead to disaster!  Here are some more down to earth ideas…

Do your Job, and do it well
This should be your aim, regardless of job title and the salary you are on. Firstly, turn up on time, every day or shift. Attend the meetings you’re supposed to attend, meet your deadlines, and make sure you excel in the core duties of your position. In essence, do what you’re supposed to do and more if you are able. If your boss can’t count on you to do the basics, your chances of impressing him will be negligible.

Be helpful to others
If you’re up to date on your work and a colleague is obviously struggling, think about offering to help, then do it!  This will show both them and your boss that you’re at work to get the work done, and that you care. (Whether or not it falls within your job description or not).

Take the initiative
Don’t think that just mastering the basics of your job is enough. Make sure your boss knows you’re available – eager, even – to take on additional duties and special projects where and when possible. I’m NOT suggesting you become a dumping ground for extra work – But do what you can to demonstrate that you are capable of performing at a higher level.

Speak honestly
This often where the bad boss exposes him/ herself! Bad bosses are annoyed when someone voices a different opinion or indeed any opinion! Good bosses should welcome it. Don’t be shy about speaking up when something doesn’t sound right. But don’t just criticise, seek to provide alternatives and suggestions. At the end of the day, say what you need to, then let the boss(es) make their final decision.

Find viable solutions
When problems arise, show initiative and take some time to figure out a solution. Even if it’s something you need to report to the boss, offer a suggestion. If your boss chooses a different route,  don’t worry. It’s his call anyway. Showing yourself to be a problem solver is what counts.

Take some credit
When something you’re involved in goes really well, let your boss know. There’s absolutely no shame in highlighting your accomplishments  – but don’t go overboard! (Remember to give credit where it’s due to all others involved).

If you do the above, that really would be impressive!