Posts Tagged ‘toll’

One Year On…

January 23, 2009

The 21st September 2008, came and went without any fanfares or celebrations. Jose and Avram have both been and gone, and now Mr. Scolari is at the helm. Good grief, one year i’ve been doing this, that is sitting at my computer checking emails, sending emails to faceless online job boards, chasing recruitment agents, and when catching them asking what they’ve been doing on my behalf. Added to this my phone bill  must have taken a battering by now and the redundancy money has gone. Brilliant.

Acknowledging the above facts actually spurred me on in a number of ways, I need to get that Methodist Church job now, but I have 2 weeks till the application needs to be in. Mine has been received by the Personnel Department, I know, I’ve phoned and checked. There was little I could do other than contact some faithful friends to pray.
In addition I applied for Temporary Christmas work in a local garden centre, our local Debenhams, M&S (tell you about that another time!) and even Tescos – only to be told they’re not looking ot recruit till January 2009 – if at all! Things were getting desperate and gloom began to descend. ARRGH, I had run out of hot leads applications, and ideas.

In an effort to make some cash I enlisted the help of Mark to do a car boot sale with me, at 6.15 am on the appointed day I picked him up and we made our way to the large boot site. Thankfully the weather was to be dry and sunny, there were customers and we ended the day with a significant profit. In a couple of weeks maybe we’d do another. Thanks Mark, you’re a star.

After a few weeks popping Neurofen tablets, on the 25th september, I mustered the bravery to see my Doctor, as it turned out he was fine, my stomach gripes, however were becoming a concern. Thankfully, after a few prods (was that a punch?) around my body, he diagnosed nothing sinister, in fact he was totally mystified at the symptoms, but his best guess was that I might be suffering from something or other, but there again might not. Boots would be my next stopping point and I purchased the necessary medicines. Hopefully they would help. Quite possibly my body was stressing more than i felt, and stressing more than ‘I was’ in my head and heart, Maybe what we collectively as a family, were going through was taking its toll on me. Let’s see if the pills sort me out.

In the afternoon I contacted 6 recruitment agents for updates on new opportunities. Zippo.