Archive for the ‘Christian’ Category

Environ Mental 2009

September 1, 2009

On August Bank Holiday Monday the Local council and various Eco minded people put on their Environmental Fair in the Local Park, to which thousands from the local community and further afield came.

It was a family affair, and we like other punters made our way to the Park out of intrigue really, and to enjoy the glorious hot sunny weather. Indeed for us it possibly would be the last chance to catch summer rays before the new school term starts.

As millions walked the roads and pavements, (dodging the cyclists who forgot they are officially road users), some staggered in the direction of the park gates with beer cans and fell in. These few, I would suggest were not attending with aluminium recycling in mind, but er, their own refreshment. Thankfully, I believe there was a police man on duty, somewhere, on call, just in case an alcohol, drug or lentil induced mass brawl ensued. Instead, the mood was restful, chilled and very good natured. As it should be.

While most meandered aimlessly between the stalls in search of new planet saving ideas, not all attenders got into the environmental spirit of the day, instead they littered the park with disused leaflets, cigarette butts, plastic cups and of course drinks cans which glinted in the afternoon sun. Probably not what the organisers had in mind.

Thankfully (for us) some of the exhibitors and stall holders sold books. They surely had tons of them. Not only could we choose by book title, genre or author but also by the benefiting charity or organisation. I was after Ben Elton and Mrs W was after more for her ever expanding childrens library. The last time we extended our house was for a dining room, and given our present (pretty dire) financial circumstances a dedicated library is not on. Maybe instead, we could do a deal with the British Library and space share?

The Liberal democrats got nothing from me but the ‘Save the Local Water Tower from those Pesky Rodents Trust’ (or similar) benefited to the tune of two pounds. Once read our purchased books would be recycled. Probably.

Among the stall holders were new age diviners, tarot card readers and various dubious others who were quite probably messing with peoples heads. Others offered to measure peoples spines, before offering to prod and mess with the volunteers bodies. The Islamists offered cups of tea in exchange for getting to know them. Christian Churches were there too, although I never did get to grips with the concept of Holy Socks that were on offer. The Buddhists were quietly doing what they do, but must admit I never saw the cheery faces of the Humanists. God Bless em!

One bright teenager wore an intriguing t-shirt, emblazoned with the message. ‘No one knows I’m a lesbian’. She is wrong of course, I know. Maybe she is not so bright after all.

I think environmental fairs are a great, even though we learned nothing new or picked op more than a handful of leaflets issued by the RSPB to keep our ‘Twitcher’ sons interest up. To keep cool, and our fluid levels up we felt obliged to queue for incredibly cheap and tasty ice creams – this was no great hardship for any of us.

All in all, as a family we had a good afternoon in the sun. The only drawback was that car parking in the area adjacent to the park was pretty dreadful, instead we had to park at my parents place  – and walk!

It’s all happenin’

August 10, 2009

I think it’s fair to say I’ve probably got too much going on at the moment. By this I mean it’s Summer and I really need to devote some of my job seeking days to doing a bit more time with my lovely wife and two boys. We were out for the day last Thursday at Amberley and another day out, this Thursday beckons. The plan is to go to the South Coast with friends, after nipping into Asda…

In addition to numerous job applications being fired off to organisations in London, Kent and Goodness knows where else, I’m also working two days a week and applying to do some  further education in order to better myself (right!?) and seek gainful employment…. If I am offered a place place at a local Uni, I will then need to secure relevant work experience (Highly paid of course!!) and sponsorship in order to meet the fees.

If that doesn’t work out I might be able to get work cleaning trains. Mind boggling.

One exciting but unpaid venture I’m part of is our newly established Support group for unemployed / those facing redundancy within our church family. We don’t have a group name yet which is a bit perturbing… Any ideas?

However, with a focus topic of discussion each fortnight, general encouraging banter, updates, money saving and making tips, tea, caffeine and prayer, the meetings are literally oozing positivity.

Chelsea beat Man Utd today in the Charity Shield. Which was nice.

Money and living the simple life

July 29, 2009

The redundancy cheque was generous, but after 12 months with no job in sight, the money had gone. Thankfully we’d resisted upgrading our car to a Hummer (H2), buying a racing schooner and taking an extravagant holiday somewhere off Honolulu. Instead the funds had gone on ‘living’.

22 months on, we as a family continue to eat well, have a mortgage over our heads, and wear clothes that fit and suit us.

Being out of work of course requires making various adjustments, and although life gets complicated at times, we live simply. Working two days a week in a retail store and doing the occasional car boot sale do bring in some funds of course, we however continue to be grateful to God for his amazing provision!

God has provided us with supportive band of folk, many of them Christian, who have been consistent in their encouragement, sacrificial in prayer and supportive in practical ways. This includes cheques made out to us and cash stuffed envelopes posted through our letterbox – amazing. We’ve been blessed and gobsmacked.

We don’t own credit cards, never have done. Instead we pay for things with cash whenever we can. This way, we keep good tabs on our outgoings. Exceptions to this are when buying petrol, or shopping online when a debit card is used. When it comes to hitting the high street we’re seasoned chazzers*, and used to seeking out deals. Foodwise, supermarket own brands are fine, meals are padded out with extra veg or lentils etc as required.

Our boys don’t have Playstation or a wii, a trampoline or shares in RBS, but they still have enough toys to occupy them. They also understand about saving and will happily accept treasures found in a charity shop, or from e-bay, as well as receiving gifts from well wishers. They also appreciate that there are somethings we can’t afford, and will wait until ‘Daddy get’s a job’. They have also kindly donated toys to sell at the car boot, impressing both their parents with their mature attitude.

When I’m frayed at the edges or disappointed when rejection letters or emails land, I remember God has a plan, and this is a ‘season’ in which to demonstrate my faith in God, trusting him for the future.

I might not have Work, but I have Hope…

*chazzers = charity shop shoppers.
Romans 12:12, James 5:11, Ephesians 2:20-21, Psalm 121

Christmas Day 2007

July 9, 2009

Over the next few days we would be celebrating the real meaning of Christmas, at our church, then with family and friends as diaries allowed over the festive period. Hopefully the boys would this year see some snow too, as my dads home-made and highly lethal tobogan was still in good repair.

Weather aside, we would join my parents for Christmas lunch and on Boxing Day see the rest of our extended family. The company, like the food and ambience – were all good, and we were well stuffed by the 27th. As for Santa and the snow? I must have missed them. Read on…

STRESS (7). What the Bible says about…

June 22, 2009

The Bible says a lot about Stress, our need for Peace and gives helpful pointers and advice. Below are a few scriptures which have been helpful to me while I’ve been out of work and coming to terms with it all.

Psalm 9:10
Those who know your name will trust in you,
for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.

Psalm 55:22
22 Cast your cares on the LORD
and he will sustain you;
he will never let the righteous fall.

Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;

Matthew 6:31-34
31So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

NB. For a really helpful and in-depth article on this whole subject “What the Bible says about overcoming Stress” I would recommend you follow the link below:

STRESS (6). And Prayer…

June 22, 2009

Sadly there is nowhere on this planet (to my knowledge) where we can escape Stress entirely, and let’s face the facts: we all have stress. It is the way we actually deal with stress that matters! The good news is that prayer for stress relief works! Prayer is that unique form of communication with God, that is available…

How? When we communicate with God, we do so on a one-to-one basis and this is the time when we can’t avoid being honest with ourselves and with God. We can’t simply mumble “I’m fine” when we are talking to Him, because I  believe he knows us, intimately, he knows our thoughts, what makes us tick and what presses our buttons. So to speak. Further more He knows our strengths, weaknesses, in fact everything about us.

If he knows everything about us, why bother to pray? Because he delights in hearing our voice as we enter relationship with Him. He is not a far off and aloof God, he’s interested in us, in the good days and the bad.

Situations that cause stress in our life may not change instantly, but our ‘attitude’ in the face of the stress will make our life different. Essentially, the result of prayer as a stress relief is the recognition of our dependence upon God, to bring us through…

OK. How do I pray?
Simply, pray like you mean it… and DO mean it! The language used and the length of any prayer isn’t important. what is important is that your prayer comes from your heart. You might then pray something really simple like.

‘God if you are there, please help me cope with this situation! Amen.’


‘God, you know my need of work and my financial situation. Help me I pray. Amen’


I haven’t done this sort of thing before, (pray) but am willing to give it a go. God if you’re there, like others say you are, please hear my prayer. Amen.’

That’s a pretty good start…

A significant day. June 1st 2009

June 2, 2009

Make no mistake, today, June 1st has been a special day –  and for a number of different reasons.

Reason 1.
This day our eldest son celebrated his 7th Birthday, and before school submerged himself into a pile of waiting Birthday gifts in search of treasure. Thankfully he found some, books and Dvd’s about Space, a Bionicle, a Hot Wheels set, a thing to throw around in wide open spaces and hope someone can catch it, a glow in the dark space book from his younger brother, and a hand crafted birthday card from his proud parents. Seven years ago today… Ah, how time has flown…

Reason 2.
One of footballs’ worst kept secrets was revealed today. After the success of steering Chelsea to FA Cup success on Saturday, Mr Hiddink has made way for a new manager, Carlo Ancelloti. He was unveiled to the media, holding the famous Blue shirt, ready to take the helm. I don’t know a great deal about this chap, other than he was an apparent success at AC Milan and tears were shed when he left. He doesn’t speak very good English, but has vowed to learn, and quickly. Chelsea fans wait with bated breath, hoping Roman got the appointment right. Meanwhile Carlo, all the best!

Reason 3.
My Bible reading notes for this day are spot on. Hebrews 12:1 encourages us to “Lay aside every weight, and … run with endurance…” I was reminded that we have one shot at this life and should run it not half heartedly, but with conviction, face forward, and not look back. We cant change the past of course, but we can learn from it. Neither should we be anxious about the next lap, instead concentrate on our next steps. The writer of Hebrews put it like this:
1Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

Many of us carry around weights, and anxieties and burdens of the past, rather than casting them off and being focused on the way ahead.

We’re to get rid of the old baggage old relationships, pointless fears, and false indebtedness to those who seek to manipulate us. There are enough painful trials in life; why endure the ones we can lay aside?

Once again the truth of this hit me. Past failures, and my decision to leave work 19 months ago does come back to haunt me occasionally, and it doesn’t really help! I need to throw off that sort of unhelpful thinking, as these things are a hindrance to me. Instead, I’m motivated, once again to press on with my job search with a dose of added enthusiasm! Only a couple of days ago did I pledge to review my CV and job search plan. But reading this scripture has helped galvanise me into more action.

Good Reasons.
A birthday which ushers in a new year, a new manager appointed at a football club is building up anticipation for all involved and the process of reviewing and adjusting my CV and Design Portfolio are significant, forward thinking and positive steps.

I hope June 2nd and beyond are significant too.

Jesus loves

May 27, 2009

In my morning the Bible notes I was reminded that I should be as Salt and Light, (ie. a good witness and example) to those around me. A tall order to someone not feeling particularly virtuous today. However, my first of two days work beckoned, so with polished shoes, pressed smart trousers and shirt, I left home for the City.

I arrived in good time, enough time to pop into McDonalds for a coffee before the tedium of work this week would begin. As I left the station premises a casually dressed woman gave me eye contact and told me gently that Jesus loves Me, which was not what I was expecting, and it wasn’t just me she was telling. What impressed me was the simplicity of her message, just the 3 words. Neither was she shouting, stirring up  a crowd, forcing leaflets into hands, annoying or haranging people to give money or even consider the claims of Christianity, instead it was low key, clear and obviously heartfelt. This was a positive start to my working day in ‘Bagland’.

As it happens, I know Jesus loves me, but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being reminded! Hopefully other commuters had a similar positive encounter as me, and know what the lady is talking about.

Three hours later, after replenishing some stock, pricing it and tidying, I took a short break, deciding to take of some fresh air.

Outside TK Mess were a bunch of teenage lads dressed to impress (or so it seemed to me). On closer inspection I noted the tallest of the group was modelling a rather brightly coloured tracksuit. The decoration/ motif was simple yet huge on both the top and trousers, it said ‘Jesus Loves Me’ – which rather took me aback. Either this guy has found a clothing brand I’m not yet familiar with, or is boldly expressing himself!.

Either way.. these two incidents are strange but true.

Holiday generosity

April 22, 2009

We were blessed with the generous gift of the holiday, and once the accommodation was booked, the practicalities associated with same, became something of a temporary focus and distraction. Decisions such as what to take, would it actually fit in the car, and could we afford it, came to mind. There was little doubt that we were in need of the break and were confident that we’d continue to be provided for.

Before we set off on our travels we prayed as a family, for good travelling, good health and the provision of all we needed, particularly food and petrol money. Our National Trust membership would ensure we would not be bereft of ideas for days out. Before we left home, I received a phone call totally and completely out of the blue one morning promising us a cheque – this prompted huge smiles all round. God indeed was looking out for us. This £500 was part of His wonderful provision. Thank you M and G.

In addition, our good friends J and L generously contributed to our ice cream holiday fund, and the envelope remained unopened for a few days in our kitchen. We were eventually, rather gobsmacked to find that their generosity would actually translate to each of us enjoying up to twenty five ice creams each during our week away! In this regard we were failures, not even managing to gorge more than four each as it happens. We did however take full advantage of the wafers, cones, chocolate flakes, and syrups on offer. Maybe now home, we should now book Cholesterol tests?

In addition to eating, we made the most of our time in the region and took in Cragside House and Gardens, Howick Gardens, Wallington, Bamburgh Castle and beach, and the railway at the Ford and Etal, snapping pictures where we could. We also drove miles into the surrounding (and stunning) Northumbrian landscape, and twice made our ‘pilgrimage’ to the Holy Island of Lindisfarne…

(See also North by North East)