Posts Tagged ‘coke’

50 Things to do on a Bank Holiday

May 4, 2009

1 Wash the car
2 Wash the kids
3 Go to work. Double time after all!
4 Look for work – (A legitimate way to meet the bills)
5 Take a walk, on the wild side
6 Take a short walk to the corner shop or the off licence
7 Shop
8 Go shopping again. You forgot something after all.
9 Go to the bank. Er, maybe not
10 Pass Go. Don’t pick up £200/
11 Wash the car
12 Wash someone elses car. They might pay you for it.
13 Mmm A Bar BQ. Yes, just the thing for a Bank Holiday
14 First cut the lawn
15 Check the weather forecast
16 Look out the window
17 Get better soon. You’ve caught the lurgy
18 Call NHS Direct. they confirm it’s not serious.
19 Not even a hint of Pork Flu
20 Fix that bookshelf that fell down in 2005
21 Get someone else to fix the shelf
22 Cut the front hedge
23 Write an email
24 Who’s available on Facebook?
25 Lets go to the Park
26 Or LegoLand if your feeling flush
27 Er the toilet beckons, briefly.
28 Visit a National Trust property
29 Watch a film on television. Even though you’ve seen it before.
30 Go badger watching
31 How about a picnic?
32 Or a trip to Maccy Dees
33 Ah, the washing!
34 The ironing!
35 A gig?
36 Is there a Sale on somewhere?
37 Play with the kids
38 Trip to the seaside?
39 A spot of decorating maybe
40 Or go for a drive. Nowhere in particular. Dream of owning a Camper Van.
41 Visit a friends or relatives. In your own car.
42 or both
43 Eat crisps. Lots of them. At least 3 packets should do it.
44 Drink Cola Coka, or something similar.
45 Chocolate
46 Time to visit the gym
47 Maybe go inside
48 Threaten to seek a ban on neighbours from lighting bonfires on ‘Washing’ days
49 Stay indoors and wonder how to spend the day
50 Write something on your Blog, hope someone reads it.