Posts Tagged ‘CV writing’

Best foot forward

March 6, 2012

Brendan has been struggling to get work for some time now. At best he has held down jobs for a few months and until a few weeks ago he had all but given up looking, and his demeanor when I first met him gave this away.

Having been tipped off by a mutual friend that he was out of work and available for casual work, an approach was made to him. After an uncertain start he now joins us for a couple of days work each week. His general availability at a moments notice suits us perfectly, and he has become a valued part of our team often the first casual worker we call upon.

Over the months as we’ve got to know him, aspects of his story has unraveled, it has become clear that holding down a full time job has been a real issue for him. He is certainly a good worker, well liked and has transferable skills he can exploit. What he doesn’t have if he is to achieve his goal of full-time work is a hardworking CV… or rather he didn’t. Over a week ago a colleague and I helped him rewrite it. The original wouldn’t have been taken seriously by any potential employer or recruitment professional as it was full of glaring errors, mistakes, incomplete entries and with a work history that was presented backwards.

(We struggle to understand how this hasn’t been picked up by others, especially those at the Job Centre).

Once the CV was finalised a spring in his step has been apparent, he is growing in confidence. Now he can apply himself to uploading, emailing and posting it in response to vacancies as they appear. He has a lot to offer and in time we hope to hear some good news.

Good news came in another guise last week when a colleague announced she was leaving, moving on after one year. She is obviously delighted having landed a senior marketing role in the cosmetics/ personal care industry. Ironically her opportunity came about, not via a CV in the first instance but through her own efforts of networking and then a personal recommendation.

We wish her well and look forward to the cake at the leaving do!

Personal recommendations can pay dividends in other areas of life too. It’s the same for all of us I’m sure. In my own experience this has included suggestions of where to shop, which trades people to approach, which music to listen to, the best family days out, churches to visit, books to read, paints to try, food and drinks to sample and more recently health professionals to call.

Having called on the NHS for the required help and not received it, I recently conceded that I should consider seeing a specialist even if it meant going for private treatment. A few years ago I would have baulked at the idea but due to the ongoing pain and condition of my left foot – I felt it necessary. Last Wednesday at the consultation my feet was given a careful once over, measured, manipulated, and my Metatarsus bones bent every which way to locate the source of pain. Even though the appointment didn’t conclude with a single proposition on the way ahead (next step?) I felt better for going.

Under no pressure to make a second appointment I will weigh up the options available to me. Going under the knife for a small operation which may not improve things doesn’t hold much appeal. Plan B then?

I am reviewing my situation…

August 25, 2010

In just a few days time I will pass the six months mark in my current employment. Six months of being paid every month and on time is something to be grateful for, but how time flies. Very soon I will be sitting down with my manager for my six month review, where we’ll be discussing my performance to date, and no doubt hearing my employers plans for the future.

I’m fairly sure it will be a good honest conversation, and at the conclusion of the meeting I will be ready to face the next challenge. At the three month mark my boss was very complementary about my work ethic and willingness to get stuck in. Even so, most work places can still be a stressful places and this is no picnic, with many different pulls on my time.

I have a job, 2.47million unemployed aren’t so fortunate of course. Neither can I afford to be complacent.

This evening while the rest of the family sat down to watch ‘Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief’,  I started reading through my growing in-box of job alerts, which in turn got me thinking about updating my CV. Rather like the First Aid kit tucked out of sight in our kitchen somewhere, the paper clip in my back pocket, or the cuff-links rolling around in my sock drawer, you never know how soon it might be needed!