Posts Tagged ‘graphic designer’

Am I getting anywhere?

July 28, 2009

Yes. But er… sometimes I do wonder…

I say this because this job search lark is taking far too long by my estimation! Twenty two monts and counting. What I AM doing however is trying to get somewhere. So far my focal point has been in the graphic design industry, but now the scope has widened to working in the Charitable sector in a non-design role, where my organisational skills, people skills and creative thinking and problem solving can be put to good use. Or maybe in teaching…

When it comes down to it, I would be more than happy to be employed somewhere or to be correct, anywhere I can use my wide spectrum of transferable skills (!) Until then I will press on looking, applying, and of course praying to Him ‘upstairs’ for a resolution.

In all seriousness I do feel I AM getting somewhere, partly because I know I’m making efforts, that’s half the battle, no way am I going to collapse into the soft cushions on the sofa in a miserable mess and give up. As for my my next job destination – all will be revealed in due course.

How will I know when I’m there if I don’t have a specific final destination in mind? Ah, good question. The best answer I can give is Peace of Mind, Yes, Peace of Mind.

About this Blog. (Remastered)

June 16, 2009

Back Catalogue music is often re-issued and Remastered. A quick glance at the back of the cd case will give this away. Familiar tracks are pretty much the same and appear in pretty much the same running order, but tagged on at the end will be a number of ‘Previously unreleased’ tracks which would suggest tunes were clearly not good enough the first time round. How about ‘Enhanced’? Easy, this means subjected to being fiddled with, ruined by an over excited producer or how about the ‘Extended’ version meaning they forgot to turn it off when they went for a cuppa. But I digress…

Thankfully this Blog is not about music publishing. If you are still unemployed, have recently taken ‘voluntary’ redundancy, or had it thrust upon you, this Bloggy experience might still be of interest to you. If not, never mind. Some contributions originally appeared in 2008, (Fiddled with?) but time moves on and this is now updated regularly. (Enhanced).

The purpose of the blog remains unchanged. I hope it continues to give an insight to what it’s like to be out of work, by way of some of my own real life experiences and cause a smile every now and then.

Even though I have occasionally been tempted to think my working days in the Graphic Design industry are over and I’m a hopeless case, these moments are few and I continue to press on, push doors, kick Recruitment agents, network with others, and complete (then submit) the required tediously long application forms for consideration. At the same time I look for openings where I can use my transferable skills.

Thankfully, that’s not the whole deal, there’s a life to be lived and I am still a husband, a dad, with interests and commitments, so I try to maintain an even keel. I still do my bit around the home, the shopping and whatever… and still get onto the computer at least twice a day to job search, chase applications and get frustrated.

We still as a family are blessed to have a roof over our heads, still eat three meals a day, still have clothes, sound minds (!? Yer alright…) we still have issues to address, I still have notebooks in which to record my observations, I still have a mobile phone and a considerable mortgage. I still support the same football team, and am able still to see the funny side of life and unmeployment (at times). I still get annoyed and angry, I still don’t like Man Utd, rice puding and smarmy politicians, I am however growing in appreciation for Charity Shops, Asda and shopping on e-bay.

I may not presently have Work, but I do have Hope… Guess that’s what this is all about really.


WorkHope (Mr)