Posts Tagged ‘mentor’

Transferable skills…

June 29, 2009

It occurred to me yonks ago to consider other jobs and indeed careers whilst at the same time plugging on in my job hunt for another Senior role in Graphic Design/Creative environment.

Thankfully I am aware of some of my transferable skills and of course my weaknesses which I should keep well hidden. (Probably under a bushel, if I can find one).

I did something liek this before, last year in fact, but wasnt convinced I could make a change, now my attitude is more open… If you havent tried it, might be worth having a go by jotting down your talents, skills, and experiences which could possibly be transferred into a different work setting. It might inspire you to consider alternatives. Careers advisers do this sort of thing on a daily basis.

Listed here are some of my skills and talents, according to me… As dubious as it sounds, I will probably have to edit it later…

Creative, Blue-sky thinking, generation of visuals/ scamps, many years experience, Mac conversant, PC conversant, Creative thinking, problem solving, team working, yet will work alone as required, good communicator, enjoys the company of others, (most of the time) flexible, hard working, brilliant and professional, humble, did I say brilliant? organised, comfortable client facing and when presenting concepts/ proposals to team members and clients/ decision makers alike, good listener, occasional flatulence, can tie a granny knot and bowline (and undo it), sense of humour, diy skills, ironing, correct use of tv remote and kettle switch, can lay a laminate floor, perseverance, bargain hunting and of course bloggy writing.

Crumbs, I never knew I was SO talented.

Dear Diary, Maybe I should become a Traffic Warden after all?

(Will keep you posted on that…)