Posts Tagged ‘Mrs W’

Gonna get through

March 5, 2009

Gonna get through,
What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?
I’m gonna get through, right?
(The Pet Shop Boys)

It was nearly midnight and I had just put down the book ‘God On Mute’ by Pete Greig. I’ll probably pick it up again soon, and read a chunk more. I know it’s about unanswered prayer, and it comes highly recommended, but I’m only a few pages into it. Maybe the book will give some insights into prayer, help give some understanding to these times of struggles and trials.

The book couldn’t come at a more appropriate time, it was hand delivered by John last night, and he has more than an inkling that the last few days have been some of the hardest for the WorkHope family for a long time. I think getting a rejection from the V&A Museum and hearing that another job i’d applied for is on hold were blows that sent me reeling. Needless to say, in time, I will bounce back, get looking again, but the jobs are few and far between at the moment, and there is incredible competition for roles.

Right now however, I feel I need some answers, Mrs W needs some answers too as we don’t seem to be getting anywhere with this job search lark. To be honest, it’s getting to us both now. seventeen months and counting.

Over the weekend my wife let out how she was doing, and summarised how both us us were faring by saying “I don’t like living like this anymore’ – which if nothing else was very honest of her. Not easy to hear, but honest nevertheless. I don’t have any answers other that to press on.

We pray regularly, and so do our boys, sometimes with real fervour, and others we know must be running our of words and ideas by now as to what to pray. Their prayers are heartfelt, genuine and we know many are standing with us in this and are waiting for some Good News of prayers answered…Some are giving to us in practical ways including financially, which is wonderful. Others are struggling too, and every week, more or less I am hearing of other friends facing redundancy or fearful of losing their income. No one it seems is immune.

God has something up his sleeve for me, job wise, but boy, he must have very long arms. From where I stand (er sit) I see nothing at the moment.

Sometimes I feel life is unfair, but there again who said it wouldn’t be? It didn’t stop me from having a bit of a rant yesterday not at anyone in particular, and not in earshot of anyone in particular either! No harm done. Him upstairs knows of my frustration, and the fact I’m not going to give up either. I am now a student, majoring in perseverance, patience and trusting God. Maybe he has gone temporarily mute, but one day when I graduate to another job, I’ll be able to look back on this time and –  well, laugh, I guess.

Meanwhile, maybe just a quick peek up that sleeve?

The importance of routine (Oct 2007)

February 7, 2009

I don’t do lay ins, as a rule, never have really. Certainly since having our two boys, these have been the stuff of dreams. Sometimes, if as parents we’ve have had a bad night on account of a crying or screeching toddler, we could now afford for one of us to go back to bed and catch up with those missing winks.

Getting the boys to and from school (on time) means the morning starts early enough anyway. The hope has been that when I’m working again I shouldn’t have to adjust my sleep patterns too much. I don’t do ‘nothing’ very well, I prefer to be active unless of course there’s something mightily appealing on the tv. Sadly apart from The Wright Stuff there’s only the wrong stuff on the box. Day time TV is pretty shocking. The exceptions to the rule include the likes of Ballamory, Brum. Miss Marple and Poirot which I will look out for!

One of the requirements of the Job Centre is that I keep a record of my job search, to prove, when asked I’m in the process of hunting down work –  yer right! Doh! Other parts of my new routine include a degree of shopping (we want to eat don’t we?) a smattering of housework, and some DIY of course.

Fortunately for me, on leaving work, it was easy to get into the job search groove, I was highly motivated, and still am. I registered with Recruitment Agents (oops sorry, ‘Consultants’), registered with online job boards, and kept an eye out (on a daily basis) for new opportunities. My routine now includes job searching, morning, afternoon and night… balanced with doing family type things and the smattering of DIY and socialising (where possible) in the daylight hours.

I want to make the most of my time off work, spending time with Mrs W and our two lovely boys, who of course, will grow up quickly – at the very least we can have some quality bonding time.

Time for a lie down now I think. Speak later…