Posts Tagged ‘regrets’

No regrets

February 11, 2009

I don’t have any regrets about leaving my last full-time job. Life is hard now, but thankfully I have faith, had it for years, not only in my own Creative abilities, but in God. This was a good time to show my faith in action. What I’d needed in a sense sometime before had been a kick up my pants to make a change – get another job, and this was it. Stepping out this way was a touch uncomfortable yet tinged with genuine excitement. Those close to us were supportive and prayerful. Mrs W my long suffering wife agreed, it was time for me to move on, to new opportunities offering new challenges.

Meanwhile while I continue to trust that God will provide, for us as a family. This however is not a time to sit passively and simply wait, I need to do my bit, look for work and apply for jobs.

Our two young sons at the time (aged 3 and 5) didn’t express opinions. One day, however, our youngest proudly announced to those in his nursery class that his daddy washed cars for a living! (He must have seen me wash ours once – this obviously made a real impression!). Our eldest, aged  5, after I explained to him that I needed another job, stunned me by saying that I already had one –  DIY.

I best get on with it then.