Posts Tagged ‘’

WorkHope. Increased interest and some blatant publicity

June 27, 2009

Increased traffic to this Blog over the last week, (in part due, it would appear to the mini-series on ‘Stress’) has prompted me to up the ante, as far as publicity is concerned, to get the url broadcast further afield.

Of course, this is where I’ve been able to utilise some more of my Graphic design and problem solving skills! Firstly I hit upon the ideas of producing a WorkHope t-shirt, (and wearing it) producing a website header and improving the existing flyers for distribution. Let’s see what affect this all has!

My hope of course is that, when (if?)  readers find this site entertaining, relevant and helpful they will tell others. I have much to do… not just in writing, distributing flyers to high street recruitment agencies, into local CAB offices, and cross pollenating with other sites – I need to keep pressing on in my own job search!

Four job applications is all have achieved over the last working week, not great by any standards, but all of them are within my capabilities and sphere of interest. My plan is to take up another networking opportunity next Wednesday, do some more schmoosing with my ‘business card’ and CV at the ready.

No time to lose.

World Domination and WorkHope

February 23, 2009

WorkHope/ Working Through Unemployment is getting hit. That is, hit on a daily basis, online by bloggy blog readers, thrill seekers, casual enquirers, by those who either stumble upon the Blog my mistake or have been prompted to do so by some wonderful friends, or some pretty nifty guerrilla advertising.

WorkHope employs some accepted forms of publicity in order to get the message of Hope across to those out of Work, (geddit? WorkHope) or those struggling after being Crunched by the Credit crisis.

Don’t be suprised if you or your associates come across a handsome chap, bearing down on you with either his business card, or a wad of small white flyers encouraging you to share the love of WorkHope with others. This service is free of course and borne out of a desire to entertain yet encourage those out of work to keep pressing on in what are, frankly, hard times..

Leaflets might appear in a coffee shop near you, on the bar of your local pub, shoved through your letter box, be seen on the side of a bus or on a banner trailing across the sky on the back of a Flora sponsored bi-plane, (well, maybe not!).

WorkHope is everywhere – nearly everywhere. And a very reliable contact in the pub two weeks ago assured me that this very blog is read and enjoyed as far away as a place beginning with ‘B’. Can’t remember, sadly the exact details, suffice to say it’s the other side of the world, somewhere. just left (or is it right?) of Borneo.

In all seriousness, given the times we live in with Unemployment and Redundancy an ever present, or clear and present danger, I trust this blog will achieve its original objectives which were to:

1. Encourage the job seeker to keep seeking, with his/her head and chin up
2. Share real life situations and observations from my (ongoing) time out of work
3. Point out possible hurdles and pitfalls
4. Expand on the reasons why I have Hope
5. Cause a smile
6. Get me a publishing deal which will set me on a new career path, leading to fame and financial security.

Do get in touch, maybe tell me where you are (county, state, country, continent, hemisphere  etc). If you have any comments or questions…

WorkHope (Mr)